Healthy With Nin - Go From Burnout to Fired Up


My proven program to boost energy, rebalance your gut and hormones, and help you slim down.


Get the nutrition tools and support you need for revitalizing your energy, improving digestion and restoring vibrant hormone health, whether you are peri- or post-menopausal.


The All-Day Energy Blueprint

Follows a 3-Part Proven Framework:


The first step is to “Remove” the core stressors and toxins in your life that don’t serve you and that disrupt your gut microbiome and hormones, so you have less inflammation, weight gain and fatigue.


“Replenish” is where we add back what you are deficient in, so you come out of a constant “fight or flight” response and your cell energy factories start to work like they are 25 again.
Restore is where we clean up and reinforce our detox pathways so we stop “inflammaging” and start reverse aging, improving body composition and adding quality years to your life.

Does this sound like you?

  • Are you perimenopausal or postmenopausal with symptoms like hot flashes, low libido and irritability?
  • Do you have 10, 20 or more pounds to lose?
  • Do you want to sleep through the night (without wine) and wake up feeling rested?
  • Do you have brain fog, anxiety or depression?
  • Do you have painful fatigue and blood sugar crashes daily?
  • Have you had gut issues for a while? Thyroid issues?
  • Are labs coming back "normal" but you know better?
  • Are you ready to get real results with the accountability of a coach?

Here’s the problem:

Chronic inflammation caused by imbalances in the body is scientifically shown to be behind every “dis-ease.”

Yet, these imbalances are rarely addressed or even acknowledged by conventional medicine doctors.

Also, when we have imbalances going into perimenopause, this can exacerbate symptoms.

The Solution? Rebalance Your Body's Systems Because a Body in Balance Can't be Overstressed, Overweight or Sick.


Is this YOU?

You're putting out twice the effort for half the results in your work and your life. 

You’ve tried every diet and have spent hours at the gym, but what you did in your 20's isn't working after 40.

The littlest chore seems like the heaviest burden.

You feel like you're walking through quicksand sometimes, you're so exhausted.

You are tired no matter how much sleep you get. 

You need coffee to get out of bed and wine to fall asleep.

You have menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, headaches, itchy ears, insulin resistance, belly fat, frozen shoulder, brain fog and more!

You have skin issues, hair issues, digestive issues and doctors aren't helping.

You're not alone.
Let’s go from burnout to fired up!


Unleash Your Inner Superwoman

You will get all the tools you need to navigate hormones, rebalance your gut, reverse your adrenal fatigue and release your inflammatory weight gain.

We use a proven framework that incorporates 7 pillars of health:

stress management
emotional wellbeing
a success mindset

What if I told you it was possible to...

Have clearer thinking and better memory. 
Learn how to use food as medicine. 
Have calm, cool and collected all-day energy.
Eliminate sugar and caffeine cravings.
Have less or eliminate anxiety and headaches. you can do more of what you love!

Here’s what we will learn during our

13 weeks together


  1. Phase 1 movement and why we need to walk before we run

  2. Morning and nighttime rituals that will optimize sleep and set you up for success

  3. How to naturally support detoxification in your liver and lymphatic systems

  4. Nutrition to support gut microbiome and hormone rebalancing

  5. The four pillars of gut health

  6. Rebalancing reproductive, peri- and post-menopausal hormones

  7. Phase 2 movement for managing stress, inflammation and hormone health

  8. Foundational supplements, short and long-term

  9. Resetting the parasympathetic nervous system for optimal healing

  10. How to balance blood sugar for optimal metabolic response

  11. Rebuilding your gut integrity

  12. Phase 3 movement, focusing on lean muscle as the key to longevity

  13. And how to plan for the road forward




What's Inside the Protocol:


How you do anything is how you do everything. You deserve to have the energy you want to live up to the life you've envisioned, and the body to go with it. 



One-time payment

  • Real results, even if everything else you've tried hasn't worked
  • A 13-week program that you can repeat every season
  • A private community fabulous women working alongside you, and Nin to lead you for optimal support and accountability
  • Weekly meetings to share your wins and get your questions answered
  • Understanding the root cause of your fatigue so you never go down that path again
  • Learning how to restore your gut health, your detox pathways, how to remove what no longer serves you and replenish what your body is lacking
  • Knowing your best long-term strategy whether you are peri-menopausal or post-menopausal
  • Plus built-in homework checklists, so you're habit stacking 1-2 habits each week without overwhelm


“Within weeks, many issues that had been plaguing me for years, like chronic pain and fatigue, began to resolve. Her wisdom of holistic healing and the health hacks she taught me brought rejuvenation to so many aspects of my life. Thanks, Nin.”

"My energy is higher because I am making better decisions in line with my priorities. And after two decades, my cholesterol is finally within the normal range. Nin breaks down the long-term goals into manageable steps. What sets Nin apart is not just her knowledge and competence, but her ability to connect on a deeply empathetic level."


"Nin's weekly coaching and consistency also made a big difference for achieving my personal wellness goals, including losing more than 20 pounds. I am proud of myself for taking this leap and investing the time, energy, etc. with Nin.

My life has forever been changed for the better. I am now excited about growing older/healthier every step of the way and not worried or afraid I will fail at doing so.

Thanks Nin!!

Hey there, I'm Nin, the gal behind the All-Day Energy Blueprint

I'm an integrative health practitioner for women who want to resolve their symptoms naturally and thrive in their body again. 

This program is built on more than three years of experience working with women just like you feeling frustrated with annoying and sometimes painful symptoms not to mention hormonal chaos.

I was once in your shoes. I had digestive issues and eczema for years. Painful fatigue and scary anxiety. Low thyroid and early perimenopause after my daughter was born.

After all my labs came back as "normal," I knew conventional medicine couldn't help me. Nor could I live that way forever. I knew what it felt like to feel good and was determined to feel that again.

I rolled my sleeves up and dove into the advanced education with integrative and functional medicine labs, and mentorship with experts. I healed my body and became so moved by this work and the impact it had on my own life that I had to share it with the world. I developed this program to teach you the exact steps to take so that you can see real change in your gut and hormonal health, body composition and overall vibrancy.

See you inside!