Healthy With Nin - Go From Burnout to Fired Up

Go from burnout, to fired up!

I am an integrative health practitioner with expertise in gut health, nutrition, detoxification, energy, hormones, stress management and body composition.

I help perimenopausal and menopausal women go from fatigued and overweight to slim and energized...



Go from burnout, to fired up!

I am an integrative health practitioner with expertise in gut health, nutrition, detoxification, energy, hormones, stress management and body composition.

I help perimenopausal and menopausal women go from fatigued and overweight to slim and energized...




Become the CEO of your health

You are a busy woman who does it all. But lately you've noticed:

  • You get bloated in the afternoon (food baby).
  • Your hormones are becoming more and more erratic.
  • You continue to gain weight, despite eating "healthy," restricting calories and doing intense exercise.
  • You’re “tired and wired," needing caffeine to get you through the day and wine or something similar to get you through the night.
  • You're experiencing painful fatigue, like you have the flu.
  • You suffer from allergies and brain fog. Maybe even migraines or auto-immune.
  • Doctors tell you everything is “normal.”
  • You hear yourself saying, "I'm exhausted" all the time.
  • You're surviving, but you're not showing up at work or at home the way you envisioned. 

I’ve been there. While this is common, it’s not normal. And the solution may surprise you.




Listen to your gut

Have bloating, fatigue, brain fog, ADHD, eczema or constipation? If you have struggled for months or years with digestive issues like SIBO, IBS, Gastritis, H. Pylori, GERD, etc., there is an underlying reason. I'll help you identify the root cause so that you can balance your gut microbiome and the integrated system influencing your weight, adrenals, hormones and mental health.

Hormones, they're a thing

Stress can be just as toxic as our environment and throw our insulin, cortisol and hormones for a loop. Throw perimenopause and menopause into the mix, and you may see the scale creep up, your cycle become more erratic, and your blood sugar more unstable. You may also experience fatigue, where you can't sleep at night and feel like you're dragging through each day. 

We can reverse age

Our body works as a system, just like a machine or a business. Adrenal fatigue, imbalanced hormones and mitochondrial dysfunction may occur when there are are underlying deficiencies and/or toxicities in your body. The good news is when you bring things into balance, and add the right stressors at the right times, your body knows exactly what to do to heal and even become biologically younger!

“Nin is so supportive and encouraging. From the beginning, it was clear she was genuinely invested in my wellbeing. She combined her knowledge of diverse healing traditions with her intuition and her ability to interpret lab results to create a custom program for me.
Within weeks, many issues that had been plaguing me for years, like chronic pain and fatigue, began to resolve. Her wisdom of holistic healing and the health hacks she taught me brought rejuvenation to so many aspects of my life. It has taken work on my part to be successful, but I can actually sense an abundant potential to be whole and happy again. Thanks Nin.”



Meet Adrienne "Nin" Barela, IHP2


As a certified Integrative Health Practitioner, I am a health coach for peri and postmenopausal women who want to overcome painful fatigue and hormonal weight gain so they can feel their best.

With a clear path forward and small lifestyle adjustments one at a time, my clients lose weight, boost energy and improve cognition (and mood!).

What got you where you are today will not get you to where you are going. Physiologically, our body functions differently over 40 than it did when we were 20. Limiting beliefs might also be holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself.

Transformation doesn't have to be confusing. It can be simple, following the specific road map I used to heal myself, and that I use to help women just like you get life-long results quickly.


Read My Story

Clarity is queen and consistency is king.

You wouldn’t call a meeting without an agenda or make your kiddos cupcakes without a recipe.
So why would you try to improve your health without a proven blueprint?

Through my All-Day Energy Blueprint program, you will have a clear path forward.

It’s up to you to show up consistently, follow the plan and get the results you deserve.

Let’s do this!



Flush out toxins and move your lymphatic system to reduce inflammation.